Can not load default Firebird clients (“” or “”). Check your installation

If you are using Free Pascal / Lazarus to develop applications that needs to access FireBird database, or you need to run applications that has been written using FreePascal/Lazarus and Firebird database, make sure you have installed Firebird client library. If you have installed FireBird database engine (server) in the same machine, that means you…

FreePascal/Lazarus book: Start programming using Object Pascal

This book is written for programmers whom want to learn Object Pascal Language. Also it is suitable as a first programming book for new students and non-programmers. It illustrates programming techniques as general in addition to Object Pascal Language. License: License of this book is Creative Commons. Chapters: Language Basics Structured Programming GUI Object Oriented…

What is the best IDE for Free Pascal

Lazarus is the best IDE to develope professional Free Pascal applications. It is cross plateform, you can write your applications in your favorate OS like Linux, Windows or Mac, and then recompile your source application on targe operating system to generate native executable for specific plateforms. Lazarus is a free and open source IDE. Lazarus official…