Software writing best practices

Software engineering is made to put rules to developers and programmers to write code in a better way to make it readable, re-usable, easy to modify, to add, to upgrade, and to maintain. Here are some practices that we should to avoid, instead we have to use software engineering principles to ensure a better code…

My Story with Object Pascal, part two: Delphi

In 1997 and after the second year at Sudan university, I have tried many computer languages and database tools, such as C++, DBase III+, DBase IV, clipper, foxpro, and MS Access, and finally I found Visual Basic, it was VB 3 at that time. I start writing small applications and tutorials using VB. In one…

Auto Completion in Lazarus

I have found these days a new auto-completion feature that already exist in Lazarus, it is variables auto-completion. Previously I was only using procedure header / method auto-completion, by typing method header inside class definition part then clicking Ctrl-Shift-C to get implementation part of the procedure/method. Now someone in Lazarus forum told us that auto…